The Wastepickers program of The Unforgotten depends upon public donations to continue its work.

You can help! Thank you for your support!

$25 US per month sponsors 1 mother & child. Please consider setting up a recurring monthly donation!

Your donation will go directly towards projects. None of your donation will go towards administrative expenses, fundraising expenses or overhead.

Donations to the The Wastepickers program of The Unforgotten are tax deductible. We are classified by the IRS as a tax exempt public charity under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Please take a look at our Tax Exempt Letter.

When we receive your donation, we will send you an acknowledgement for tax purposes.



Donate with PayPal Giving Fund

If you would like 100% of your donation to go to The Unforgotten, and you have a PayPal account, please use PayPal Giving Fund. PayPal covers all the credit card/transaction fees.

Please click the button below to make your donation:

PayPal Giving Fund

Donate with your Credit/Debit Card

If you would like to use your credit/debit card to make a donation, please use the “Donate” button below. PayPal charges a reduced 2.2% transaction fee to charities.



Donations by Check

Please make check payable to:

The Unforgotten

3709 Grosvenor Drive,

Ellicott City, MD, 21042, USA

Donations by CFC (Combined Federal Campaign)

Once again, thank you very much for your support!